Hey Dermot,

On 23/01/13 09:27, Dermot wrote:

I'm pretty sure I've seen this discussed on the list before but I can't
(easily) find it in the archive. I was looking for a Project management
course or company. There are a lot of companies in London doing training
but I am a little sceptical about their quality. I'm not interested in a
certificate. I'd like to grasp a decent methodology. From what I've seen
that would be Agile.

Agile != methodology. Agile = broad set of principles/philosophy on software development. Particular methods like Scrum, XP, Crystal are Agile.

Sorry - pet niggle. Caused by folk causing me problems by using Agile & Scrum as synonyms ;-)

Does anyone want to tout a course or company. I
promise not to sue if I think they're crap :-)

1) Consider Certified Scrum Master course.

The certification itself is pretty useless as a signifier of skill - it basically just means you attended a two day course - but the courses themselves tend to be quite useful.

The trainers are certified and generally pretty good. It does cost more than pocket change. However employers do take notice of CSM certifications - however foolish that may be.

The two day course will get you up to speed on the basics of Scrum, and usually some pointers to some technical practices that go some way to helping a Scrum implementation work.

More here http://is.gd/xJea3J

What this won't give you are insights into non-Scrum methods, and they tend to fuzz the Agile/Scrum/everything-else divide a bit from what I've heard from some folk.

(I am not a CSM. I am not a Certified Scrum Trainer. I think Scrum is a good method - but I have a long rant about the way Scrum gets abused/misused. I also think that certification in general has probably done more harm than good... but I digress...)

2) General Assembly and Skills Matters

http://skillsmatter.com/ & http://generalassemb.ly/

They both do free/cheapish courses with good presenters. Might be worth dipping a toe in here.

3) Try a local agile event

I assume that you're London based. There are some great local Agile events that it might be worth toddling along too and quizzing folk.

The Extreme Tuesday Club is one http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ExtremeTuesdayClub

4) Try some background reading

I still stand by this list 'o' books as good introductions http://qr.ae/8DyB3

Also <bias="hubris">Agile training/workshops is something I do a bit myself</bias> - drop me a line if y'like ;-)



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