On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 11:50:40AM -0500, John D. Robertson wrote:
> > This would not get over the problem that all the users would need an
> > account on both servers and the fact that their settings wouldn't
> > migrate from one server to the other.
> Well, there's no way you could do these things with any dhcp daemon anyway, no 
> matter how cleverly configured.
> If you set up NIS for user authentication and use an NFS mounted volume for 

Either NIS or like the setup I have with an LDAP directory which logins
are done against will make it easy to do it.

> user home directories, then the solution I suggested would work just fine. If 

Yes, I know - but if you just mount the home directories on one machine
from the other and the master server goes down, it's going to be
useless. As I understood it, availability was also an issue, but I might
have misunderstood?

> you are sysadmining an LTSP installation, you should already know this. I 
> assume you are a Windows sysadmin and new to Unix.

I am in fact an experienced linux sysadmin (been working with linux
professionally since 2000). Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions :).
I am administrating an LTSP installation with 10 clients.

> You need to know that Linux servers just don't go down unless the hardware 
> fails, or the sysadmin is incompetant. I have an installation where the 

I know that quite well, but I have experienced things like thin clients
spontaneously rebooting when using kernel 2.4.22-ltsp-2 but working fine
with 2.4.19-ltsp-1 and our LTSP server having build up so many defunct
processes that init couldn't handle em all any more and it ate up 99%
CPU resources, leaving me with no other option than rebooting the
server. So linux servers CAN go down for things other than hardware

> entire enterprise (24 users, email, web server, database, firewall, dns, 
> dhcp, ...) is running on _one_ dual processor system. The users access it 
> using LTSP thin clients. The system has been up for 50 days. The last time it 
> was down was for a kernel upgrade.
> If you want true high availability then the cost and complexity will be 
> substantial. You may find that it is much less expensive to put all your 
> software on one fast server with RAID'd disks. keep a complete set of spare 
> parts handy so you could fix a hardware failure and have the server back up 
> again quickly.

I agree completely - I was saying that there are problems with running a
load balancing-like solution as suggested, but suggested that if the
hardware available wasn't enough a cluster solution might be an idea.

> > > Put an entry in the crontab to run this script every minute.
> > I believe this would put quite a load on the server - CPU time which in
> > my opinion could be used better for other things.
> Better upgrade that '386 man!

No 386's here.. 

> Seriously, you need to look at this quantitatively. What makes you think that 
> a tiny job that runs once a _minute_ would put excessive load on the CPU? It 

Okay, so I may have exagerated a bit - shoot me will you?.. The point
was that restarting the dhcp daemon every minute seems like a foolish
solution IMHO.

> would probably take a few _milliseconds_ of CPU time at the most. Compared to 
> the CPU load of things like Gnome, KDE, Mozilla, Java, and Open Office, this 
> is serveral _orders_of_magnitude_ smaller, or negligable.
> In terms of wasted CPU, you should be concerned about processes like "java_vm" 
> and "wineloader", which are often particularly obnoxious. For example, one 
> user can bring the system to it's knees when they hit a web page with 20 java 
> applets on it, each one spawning a different "java_vm" that is eating all the 
> CPU it can get!

Yeah, java can be a bitch sometimes..

> My solution to this is the following script, which runs once per minute:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[SNIP - script]

Thats all nice and well, but not a solution I would recommend, it seems
like a not altogether nice hack (the overall solution, not your code,
that's quite pretty :). But we are all different, so some will probably
like your approach to the solution, others will prefer something else.

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