
Thanks a lot for the info.  I am going to attempt what you have suggested, sounds to 
me like this is very duable with LTSP.  And I am glad to know that.  BTW, I tried 
using the link below and it did not work, can you please resend it?

The reason we do not wish to use NFS primarily is to do with issues like, our current 
hw design, high availability, security etc.  We do not wish for our diskless client to 
go down if the NFS server dies.  Since this is a telco-grade product, we design to 
eliminate any single points of failure.  The diskless engine does have a need to write 
some state info to a persistent store, but that would be accomplished by the 
application(s) itself.

I have a followon question regarding the std LTSP kernel.  Can I use the SLES8 (SuSE 
linux Enterprise Server 8) kernel if I wanted to as my diskless client kernel?  Is the 
standard LTSP kernel based on a particular distribution?

thanks again for the info!


-----Original Message-----
From: Anselm Martin Hoffmeister [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 12:36 PM
To: Gupta, Deepak (Deepak)
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] ltsp linux with RAM disk only

Gupta, Deepak (Deepak) wrote:

>We have a need to run diskless linux telco-grade engines for one of our projects.  So 
>far, I have found a wealth of information from the LTSP web site, in fact I am close 
>to getting a diskless client up and running.
>I have not done exhaustive research as yet, I am hoping that someone can point me in 
>the right direction here.  For our needs we would NOT like to use NFS (to mount 
>root), but rather just continue to use the RAM disk.  My questions:
>1     Can I reconfigure (possibly recompile) the ltsp kernel with the RAM disk 
>(initrd) that it initially downloads with such that I can add/remove contents to the 
>RAM disk.  If so, is there a documented procedure to do this?
Question in contrary: How would you want to retrieve those files?
IIRC, the workstations boot of an initial ramdisk (initrd), mount the 
NFS-dir /opt/ltsp/i386 from the NFS server onto something like /mnt and 
then change-root into this directory. You could manipulate the 
linuxrc-script (get the initrd kit which contains all that stuff) and 
comment out the line that does the mount. Instead you could e.g. use 
something like

cd /newroot
wget -O- -q http://localserver/ramdisk-contents.tgz | gunzip -c | tar -x
chroot /newroot

(remember: at the time of nfs-mounting, network is indeed configured)
You would need to put wget (+libraries) into the initrd as well, gunzip 
and tar probably too.
The command above (correct me if I was erroneus on parameters - read 
manpages!) would retrieve a compressed file which then would be 
decompressed into the ramdisk.
Remember this makes maintenance of  lts.conf much more difficult.

>2     If so, what are my limitations in terms of size of kernel/RAM disk combined?
The initrd would need much space, about 70Ms reside in my /opt/ltsp/i386 
(though I'm not sure which packages installed, this is my test server) 
which would need to be fitted into it.

>3     Needless to say, I would need to configure the kernel config files to not mount 
>root over NFS and swap the original RAM disk root.  Is there a procedure for this as 
Read above.

Can you tell us why you don't want NFS?



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