On Oct 30, 2007, at 9:37 PM, jam wrote:

On Tue, 2007-10-30 at 04:42 -0700,
No, it's not possible, as all the traffic is, indeed, coming from one
the ltsp server itself.

Well, It's obviously possible because Citrix found a way to do it.
difficult it may be would be another question. They obviously found a
to associate each session with an IP address from a pool.  Here's a
troubleshooting doc that may give some insight into the process:

Can anybody confirm if they are Thin or Fat clients?

ie This Display has an IP of its own as opposed to having the server IP

Curious - James

Well, I took a few minutes to actually read the doc this time and a CTL-c CTL-v later ....

Client IP Address Feature:
Note: When using the Client IP Address feature, the session still uses the server IP or the Virtual IP address for communication on the network. If an application fails because it requires a unique address strictly for identification or licensing purposes, and the application does not require a virtual address for communication, you can use the Client IP Address feature. This feature hooks only calls that return a host IP address, such as gethostbyname(). Only use this feature with applications that send the value in this type of call to the server application for identification or licensing.

So thin it is. A little further up from this section they note that there is use of multiple loopback addresses. So it seems to me that there is some level of local VM/NAT work happening here. This is supported by the following statement from further down in the doc...

Note: The Virtual IP address feature functions only with applications that load the user32.dll system dynamic library.

Last thing that really stood out is

Common Misconception: Virtual IP addresses are assigned on a per- session basis and not only to applications that have been added to the monitoring list in the Presentation Server Console. Adding a process to the Virtual IP Processes list in the Presentation Server Console simply allows that application to communicate on the network using the Virtual IP address.

It seems to me that they have tapped the TCP stack and do a lookup based on the logged in user. From there they rewrite the outgoing packets to use the assigned virt. Basically a little VM network interface that is inserted in the user space. I guess this is what you can do if you don't care too much about security ;-)

Of course this is rampant speculation. But it sure seems like a good way to accomplish the goal to me. I will see if I can get my hands on a system in the next couple of days and get a real answer.

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