On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 10:00:04AM -0500, Rob Owens wrote:
> I need to attach 2 usb printers to a single thin client.  I know I can
> specify PRINTER_0_DEVICE and PRINTER_1_DEVICE in lts.conf.  But how does
> the thin client not get "confused" between the two printers?  How do I
> guarantee that, for instance, the HP printer is recognized as PRINTER_0
> and the Canon is recognized as PRINTER_1 ?

Currently, there's no LTSP way to do this, as really, this isn't an LTSP issue
per se, but rather a udev issue.

The way to handle this would be pretty much the same way you'd do it on the
server: you'll need a couple of custom udev rules that either look at the
device id, or some such distinguishing factor, and make sure that one printer's
always assigned as /dev/usb/lp0, the other as ...lp1.  Install the udev rules
in the client's chroot, and rebuild the image, if necessary.

http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7316 discusses exactly what you want, a two
printer example.


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Man, 5 lines of question, 16 lines of legal disclaimer.  No wonder the
intertubes are getting clogged.

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