Well, that's no good, then.

I'm getting the stutter (on and off) when I just have one instance of 
twinkle running on a thin client.  But I do have twinkle set to use 
alsa, so maybe if I play with it some more.

Is there someplace I can look to get info on running localapps?  I've 
never set one up for ltsp before.

Scott Balneaves wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 01:22:31PM -0500, joe auerbach wrote:
>> On a karmic machine (running twinkle) I'm getting a sound stutter.  I'm 
>> thinking that the problem might be attached to pulseaudio (since it has 
>> a lot of stutter issues)
> Not aware of any stuttering issues with Pulse.  Biggest problem we tend to see
> with pulse is it not recognizing some hardware.
>> If I remove pulseaudio, I believe that twinkle will just use alsa as the 
>> default sound protocol, but am I right about that insofar as ltsp goes?
> Sure, if you remove pulse, alsa will be used.  Which will completely stop any
> audio from going to the thin client.
> Twinkle seems to be a SIP phone app.  We usually recommend VOIP stuff be
> installed as a localapp.  If you've got multiple instances of twinkle running,
> the stutter you hear may be processing related.
> Scott


joe auerbach
systems administrator
rossman and co / pcb

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