Aloha MonMotha,
  Are you looking for the actual nic's or just the boot Rom's?  I have a
distribution source I work with that sells items usally 10% lower that
CompUSA and I can get the items in 2-3 days.  I would be willing to help out
the LTSP project with getting items at cost price, if you are all intrested.
Also, I am willing to help out with build/install of hardware and networks
for the project.


Brian Low
1515 Nuuanu Ave. #555
Honolulu, HI 96817
(808) 371-3571

Check out the Ultimate BBQ at

Brian we are looking for both. As we discussed via AIM yesterday, if we can
get 3Com's 3C905b cards with ROM sockets we can burn our own PXE proms. I
already have the EPROM burner so we need to find out which EPROM/Flash prom
theses 3Com cards are using and of course we need the bin file to burn onto
the chips. :) The reason were considering going with the 3Com cards is there
are a lot of online vendors that sell theses cards from pulls for
$12-20/each.  Depending on the prom's we could probably buy EPROM's for
about $2-3 bucks each and flash proms for about $5-7 bucks each.


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