On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, MonMotha wrote:
>The linux kernel requires no libc.

Yes.  But a kernel alone, a system does not make.

>The userspace is quite independent of any specific libc, though your libc
>has to support linux of course.

Assuming, of course, you only use POSIX and ANSI API's.  A Unix libc
provides more than this.  Well, at least glibc does.

>How small can redhat be made anyway?  I've got multiple systems running
>off 8MB of flash (and sometimes I'm lucky with that, my Tuxscreen only
>has 4MB of flash, though I have since added a 64MB CF card for extra

Since our main goal was to reduce risk, we try to accomodate Redhat as
much as possible.  And we also needed Qt support, which pulled in X.
So we needed about 128meg.  Although we didn't need all of it.  We want to
improve on this, of course.


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