On Tue, 26 Jul 2005, Eric Hattemer wrote:
>What I'd say sucks more than applications, more than vague issues with
>low level protocol stuff and how XYZ is missing, is that X11 seems
>slow.  Really slow.


I've seen these complaint threads a thousand times.  And those threads
usually mention just as many causes for the slowness.  My recommendation
is to do a search on google to see if someone else has the same problem.

In many cases (not all cases), the cause isn't the X server, or the X
protocol, or even the video card.  And before Jim responds with a 50 page
lecture of X performance; yes I am aware of cases where some operations in
the X server are slow, and the X protocol may be part of the problem.

As for 'accelerated' drivers; I recommend taking those comments with a
large grain of salt.  At work, a vendor says the video card and the driver
they provided were 'accelerated'.  But we found otherwise during regular

As for the X network performance, that too may not be an X server or
protocol issue.  It depends.  There are applications and window managers
that aren't efficient in handling of menus and such.  But it's well known
that doing a lot of bitmap and font operations over the network isn't
going to be fast.


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