Thanks to those who answered and debated my initial question.  I agree
what Vince has said.

Over time the definition of "Linux", "Open Source", etc.. and what it
encompasses has changed.

Put it this way.  Here's a quote from April 2001 from probably an
"LUAU was started as a mailing list group to help people with LINUX, not
open source or other OS's as it has started to become. Leave LUAU the
way it is, people are still finding it useful."
He continues:
"What is funny is that I can remember the day that LUAU started to
change, and it was when we started having "Officials" when LUAU was just a
bunch of guys that would get together and work on Linux, or discuss it, it
was a lot better."

Sound familiar, like your Grandpa who tells you about the good old days
where an ice cream cone used to cost a nickel and a dime bag cost a

I have attempted to write up a LUAU history:

Please add any comments/corrections to myself, this list or to the
page's Discussion section.  Or better yet, edit the Wiki! :P  This
should be backed up by evidence as I personally wanted to keep it free
from hearsay as best I could.  I'd like to also add a picture of the
MPLUG days but couldn't find one.

And yes.  We are looking for presenters for future Open Source Pizza
events.  I have put up a general page for the project as well as a Call
For Papers page.

Please contact myself or the HOSEF managers list if you are interested
in doing a presentation.


On Tue, 2006-02-28 at 10:34 -1000, Vince Hoang wrote:
> LUAU as a traditional LUG predates me. From what I can gather,
> HOSEF and old LUAU issues stemmed from personality issues and
> lots of empty promises. If we forget about what we "should" do
> and focus on what we "will" do, then we can move past all the
> past nonsense.
> Julian is looking for presenters and topics for the monthly Open
> Source Pizza events.
> Matt is looking for a venue for an Asterisk meetup. Lots of folks
> brought up McKinley, which I think it is a great fit.
> -Vince
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> mailing list

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