Jim Roby wrote:

> Two machines running off a router to RR,one is a cube Apple,and the
> other a Win2K
> is there something inherant in these AIM softs that they are PtoP and
> can't function via a 'proxie'?
> Router was suspect,so it was swaped out,no change.

You must give me the cube on long term loan so I can fix the problem for
you.  :-)

> "Have connected up both mac and pc with the router you brought here. 
> I can get online with one or the other system via router, but can't
> seem to get both at same time.  The IP wasn't getting through to
> Mac/Aim system until I unplugged the ethernet cable to the pc and then
> I got online with AOL......"
Its likely that you either need to run NAT, or both your Mac and Win2K
box are configured for the same IP address, (the one RR gave you), or
both of these things are true.

Is it the RR router?
Are both of your machines configured to run DHCP?

Send the output of
MacOS X:  ifconfig -a (or ifconfig en0)
Win2K: ipconfig /all

back via mail (off-list preferred), and I'll take a look.


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