Which editor has:
Built-in spell checking support for nearly 50 languages?
A Built-in scripting language, including a profiler for the scripting language? Support for editing files on remote filesystems, browsing of remote directories, zip and tar archives?
A built-in grep-like search function?

If you said, "emacs", you'd be right, but if you said 'vi(m)'... you would also be correct!

The scripting language is a joke, you can't compare it to elisp (gnu emacs is written in elisp, so the entire is available to elisp programs. VIM's scripting support is more like Visual Basic, the VIM authors decide which bits of the VIM 'machine' to expose to outside scripting languages.

Its getting so "Vi(m) is superior to emacs because it emulates nearly all of emacs' features... badly!"


Quoting the Vim 7.0 release announcement:

Since Vim 6.4 many new features have been added.  To mention a few:

- Spell checking support for about 50 languages
- Intelligent completion for C, HTML, Ruby, Python, PHP, etc.
- Tab pages, each containing multiple windows
- Undo branches: never accidentally lose text again
- Vim script supports Lists and Dictionaries (similar to Python)
- Vim script profiling
- Improved Unicode support
- Highlighting of cursor line, cursor column and matching braces
- Translated manual pages support.
- Internal grep; works on all platforms, searches compressed files
- Browsing remote directories, zip and tar archives
- Printing multi-byte text

Quoting: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/vim/vim7/runtime/doc/ version7.txt

Vim script enhancements         |new-vim-script|
Spell checking                                  |new-spell|
Omni completion                         |new-omni-completion|
MzScheme interface                      |new-MzScheme|
Printing multi-byte text        |new-print-multi-byte|
Tab pages                                               |new-tab-pages|
Undo branches                                   |new-undo-branches|
Extended Unicode support        |new-more-unicode|
More highlighting                               |new-more-highlighting|
Translated manual pages         |new-manpage-trans|
Internal grep                                   |new-vimgrep|
Scroll back in messages         |new-scroll-back|
Cursor past end of the line             |new-onemore|
POSIX compatibility                     |new-posix|
Debugger support                                |new-debug-support|
Remote file explorer                    |new-netrw-explore|
Define an operator                      |new-define-operator|
Mapping to an expression        |new-map-expression|
Visual and Select mode mappings         |new-map-select|
Location list                                   |new-location-list|
Various new items                               |new-items-7|

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