On Jun 3, 2006, at 11:28 AM, Hawaii Linux Institute wrote:

"I just installed Ubuntu 6.06 and it was the nicest out-of-the-box install experience I've ever had with Linux - real competition for the folks at Apple. Thanks for the lovely piece of work! (Roller's date: Jun 02 2006, 04:36:43 PM PDT )"

I didn't say that, James Gosling did. Of course no one will accuse St. Gosling of being a used car salesman or a fraud or what have you.

I fully expect the folks at Sun to come out 'for' ubuntu with guns blazing. This includes "Mr. Java".

But in order to do MP3, DVD, and/or play movies, etc., you need to do something extra. Fortunately, there is a Python script that will do all these, and more, in one simple batch process:


(Never thought I could install the nVidia driver while in X.)

Once you do that, it is quite difficult not to like Ubuntu. I am still having problems configuring SCIM. Anyone cares to help? Thanks. Wayne

Of course, once you do that, you no longer have a 100% FOSS system.

Eric Raymond would be so happy.


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