Witold Lutoslawski:
>[hello, how, I'm]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>[dear, are, fine]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>[mom, you, love]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Helmut Lachenmann:

Arvo Pärt:
>"Deaaar maaaama and paaaapa,
>...Miserere mei.......The skies are graaaaaaaay, ...Miserere mei... but I know
>thaaaat...Miserere mei... beyooond there is ...Miserere mei... something else
>...Miserere mei... Amen ...Miserere mei... Amen ...Miserere mei... Amen...
>A-men..... A-men.....................
>Vaash Aaaarvo"

>"Hello papa & mama. The skies are steel gray, rain every day, the kids are mean
>and nasty, but we play anyway. I love them collectively as Mankind, but as
>individuals they are abhorrent to me, and they pay me in kind. The only ones
>that are kind to me are Jewish, can't figure why, but one of their girls is
>what I wish. 
>We all shall die one fine day. Make this cup pass me, get me out of here."
>Your, Dima"

>"dorogie mama i papa, grandma, Gustav Mahler, Beethoven, Shoenberg, neighbors'
>dog Spot, our urine-encrusted fire-hydrant on the corner and everyone else
>known to me!
>Still ist die Nacht,
>In general it is good/bad, fragmented to the point of not being able to tell
>one from the other....donna e' mobile.......  I work all the time, but
>occasionally play with other kids. .....du bleicher Geselle.... Sometimes the
>other way around. Natuerlich, ja, ja. Podmoskovnye
>Vash syn Alfie"

>"Dear Giovan Battista and Camilla,
>With grave concern I write to inform you that your son, Antonio Lucio, greatly
>shamed his position of counselor at our camp by not heeding repeated warnings
>to stop inappropriate conduct with his charges. Furthermore, he is MISSING from
>the campgrounds since 2 days ago, and so is Annamaria Giro, aged 14. We have
>no other choice but to inform the carabinieri.
>Rev. Giovanni Maria Bonporti, OSB"

>"Dorogie mama i papa,
>Zdes' nevidannye krasoty, no pervyj den' byl koshmarnyj, dushnyj. Bylo tak
>grustno, chto prishlos' otvorit' okno i opustitsja pred nim na koleni. A
>nautro okazalos' occhen nedurstvenno: NI ODNOJ DEVCHENKI....
>Vash Petja"
>("Dear papa & mama. It is unspeakably beautiful here, but the first day was
>terrifying, humid. I opened the window, summer night blew me in the face, I
>dropped to my knees from despair. But in the morning it turned out nearly not
>Your Petja.)

> "Dorogie mama i papa,
> Zdes' ochen' krasivo, kak na kartinke. Kogda protrezveju to napishu
> popodrobnee. Ja by i eto ne napisal, no menja Rimskij zastavil, komsorg
> sr........
> Vash Modja"
>("Dear mama & papa. It is picturesquely beautiful here. I will write more when
>and if I get sober. You are lucky I wrote this much, and it is
>Rimsky-Korsakov's doing.
>Your Modja"

>From Olivier Messiaen:
>Cher Papa et Chère Maman,
>Même si je n'aime pas le jeu de "Capture the Flag," je vois toujours les
>anges qui ont fait de l'arc de ciel un grand bijou!
>Votre Olivier

Morton Feldman:
> De                             a r              ma&&&&
>m         a  ............ &&p                                         a
>                            am^^^^^
> De                             a r              ma&&&&
>m         a  ............ &&p                                         a
>                            am^^^^^
> De                             a r              ma&&&&
>m         a  ............ &&p                                         a
>                            am^^^^^
> De                             a r              ma&&&&
>m         a  ............ &&p                                         a
>                            am^^^^^

Carl Orff:
>Pater amatus et mater amata,
>Cunnilingus, grata, grata,
>Albus, niger, sunt pro rata
>Ich bin fein, ratatata

>From Arnold Schoenberg:
>Dear ma & pa. How are you? I am fine. Love Arnold. Arnold love, fine am I.
>you are how? pa & ma dear. dlonrA evoL .enif ma I ?uoy era woH .ap & am
>reaD..read am & ap ?woh era uoy .I ma enif ,evol dlonrA
>Love, Arnie 

>From Philip Glass: 
>Hello heh heh hello, o-hell o-hell oh ellow ellow heh heh heh hello mama mama
>muh muh muh-mah, ah ah ah ahhhh! Aye aye aye aye aye yam yam yam yam Eye yam
>yam Fie aye aye aye fuh fuh fuh fie un yun yun yun Hah hah aha hah ow ow ow
>wow ow wow ow ow ah hah aha haha are are are are yuh huh huh huh yuh you? oooh.
>Sincerely, Phil 

>From Milton Babbitt:
>Dear bi-polar source set, All members of the aggregate feelings matrix are
>demonstrating maximum congruity with respect to the positive experiential axis.
>With affections invariant under transposition, Milton.

Anton Webern (c. 1913)
>Hello. Hel. H. 
>Olleh. Lo. Fi. 
>I am I 

Pierre Boulez (c. 1952):
>Schoenberg is dead.
>Q to N 

John Cage: 

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