Hello Chris - I certainly know what you mean about back pains. I'm
guessing from the range of devices - straps, cords, hooks and loops,
etc - that lute players in the past have tried - that our aches and
pain, at least, have plenty of historical precedence.

I believe Jacob Heringman gives combined lute/Alexander Technique
classes that focus on issues like posture, balance and relaxation/
tension. For me, this would be the way forward - rather than
mechanical implements.

Best of luck with whatever solution you find works for you.


On 21 Nov 2009, at 14:37, <chriswi...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Andrew,
>     I think the lute holding device is a valid option.  I've
> thought of making or adapting a similar contraption myself.  There
> needs to be something out there to help make things a bit more
> ergonomic and save the back after hours of practicing.  For me, all
> manner of holds, straps, footstools, etc. simply consist in
> choosing the least bad option.  Chris Morrongiello's experiments
> with resting the lute on a table seems like a pretty good idea.
> This is interesting and historical, but not very practical for
> practicing/rehearsing in a lot of different locations, which I do
> quite a lot.
>     I'll never forget the great experience I had with classical
> guitar when I went from the traditional footstool to using an
> Ergoplay (an aluminum frame that allows you to put both feet on the
> floor).  When practicing, I had been used to gauging when it was
> time to take a break by the tightness in my back.  With the
> footstool, I was required to stretch out every 45 minutes or so.
> The first time I practiced with an Ergoplay, however, I was shocked
> to look at a clock and see that I had gone three hours straight
> without getting up - and my back still felt fine.  This is not a
> happy experience I've ever had with my lute practice sessions.
>     Personally, I could care less about the historical precedence
> for such a device.
> Chris (not a paid spokesman for the Ergoplay corporation)


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