Caroline --

> Are there not additional possibilities?
> 21, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43.

In a sense yes.  But I was not counting that way.

I'm like "Who cares if you have a dog and a cat or a cat and a dog. 
There's no difference.".

You're like "Use the turn signal, then turn the steering wheel.  Order 

In math, you are 4!, and I am 4!/2!.   4! is read "four factorial".

I got the exercise from Scott Tennant's book "Pumping Nylon".  Lutenists 
in that book might note that there is a tab version.  I accidentally got the 
version and had to learn how to read guitar music while adapting to the 
tuning  :(.   I can recommend the book if you're interesting in LH exercises.

-- H

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