commit 60d0cc261125a2e0b2bc4e15132905692e72962d
Author: Pavel Sanda <>
Date:   Tue Jan 31 20:59:00 2023 +0100

    * lib/layouttranslations
    Revert part of the update. It needs manual check for the rest.
 lib/layouttranslations |  308 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/layouttranslations b/lib/layouttranslations
index 21dc97a..b2307c5 100644
--- a/lib/layouttranslations
+++ b/lib/layouttranslations
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Translation ar
        "Assumption" "فرضية"
        "Axiom" "مُسلّمة"
        "Case" "حالة"
-       "Chart" "جدول بياني"
+       "Chart" "رسم بياني"
        "Claim" "متطلب"
        "Conclusion" "استنتاج"
        "Condition" "شرط"
@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ Translation ar
        "Example" "مثال"
        "Exercise" "تمرين"
        "Fact" "حقيقة"
-       "Graph[[mathematical]]" "رسم بياني"
+       "Graph[[mathematical]]" "شكل بياني"
        "Lemma" "قضية مساعدة"
        "List of Algorithms" "قائمة الخوارزميات"
-       "List of Charts" "قائمة الجداول البيانية"
-       "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "قائمة الرسوم البيانية"
+       "List of Charts" "قائمة الرسوم البيانية"
+       "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "قائمة الأشكال البيانية"
        "List of Listings" "قائمة القوائم"
        "List of Schemes" "قائمة المخططات"
        "List of Tableaux" "قائمة الجداول"
        "Listing" "عمل قوائم"
        "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "القوائم"
-       "Nomenclature[[output]]" "المصطلح"
+       "Nomenclature[[output]]" "المصطلحات"
        "Notation" "تدوين"
        "Note" "ملاحظة"
        "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
@@ -192,6 +192,51 @@ Translation cs
        "see equation[[nomencl]]" "viz rovnice"
+Translation da
+       "Acknowledgement" "Anerkendelse"
+       "Algorithm" "Algoritme"
+       "Assumption" "Antagelse"
+       "Axiom" "Aksiom"
+       "Case" "Tilfælde"
+       "Chart" "Diagram"
+       "Claim" "Påstand"
+       "Conclusion" "Konklusion"
+       "Condition" "Betingelse"
+       "Conjecture" "Formodning"
+       "Corollary" "Korollar"
+       "Criterion" "Kriterium"
+       "Definition" "Definition"
+       "Example" "Eksempel"
+       "Exercise" "Øvelse"
+       "Fact" "Faktum"
+       "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graf"
+       "Lemma" "Lemma"
+       "List of Algorithms" "Algoritmeliste"
+       "List of Charts" "Diagramliste"
+       "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Grafliste"
+       "List of Listings" "Listings"
+       "List of Schemes" "Schemaliste"
+       "List of Tableaux" "Tableauliste"
+       "Listing" "Listing"
+       "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
+       "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Symbolliste"
+       "Notation" "Notation"
+       "Note" "Note"
+       "Problem" "Problem"
+       "Proof" "Bevis"
+       "Property" "Property"
+       "Proposition" "Forslag"
+       "Question" "Spørgsmål"
+       "Remark" "Bemærkning"
+       "Scheme" "Schema"
+       "Solution" "Løsning"
+       "Summary" "Resumé"
+       "Tableau" "Tableau"
+       "Theorem" "Sætning"
+       "page[[nomencl]]" "side"
+       "see equation[[nomencl]]" "se ligning"
 Translation de
        "Acknowledgement" "Danksagung"
        "Acknowledgment" "Würdigung"
@@ -239,6 +284,10 @@ Translation de
        "see equation[[nomencl]]" "siehe Gleichung"
+Translation de_alt
+       "Conclusion" "Schlußfolgerung"
 Translation el
        "Acknowledgement" "Μνεία"
        "Acknowledgment" "Μνεία"
@@ -509,7 +558,7 @@ Translation fr
        "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Liste des symboles"
        "Notation" "Notation"
        "Note" "Note"
-       "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes en fin de document"
+       "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
        "Problem" "Problème"
        "Proof" "Preuve"
        "Property" "Propriété"
@@ -525,6 +574,51 @@ Translation fr
        "see equation[[nomencl]]" "voir équation"
+Translation gl
+       "Acknowledgement" "Agradecimento"
+       "Algorithm" "Algoritmo"
+       "Assumption" "Suposición"
+       "Axiom" "Axioma"
+       "Case" "Caso"
+       "Chart" "Chart"
+       "Claim" "Afirmación"
+       "Conclusion" "Conclusión"
+       "Condition" "Condición"
+       "Conjecture" "Conxetura"
+       "Corollary" "Corolário"
+       "Criterion" "Critério"
+       "Definition" "Definición"
+       "Example" "Exemplo"
+       "Exercise" "Exercício"
+       "Fact" "Facto"
+       "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graph"
+       "Lemma" "Lema"
+       "List of Algorithms" "Lista de algoritmos"
+       "List of Charts" "List of Charts"
+       "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "List of Graphs"
+       "List of Listings" "Listings"
+       "List of Schemes" "List of Schemes"
+       "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
+       "Listing" "Lista"
+       "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
+       "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
+       "Notation" "Notación"
+       "Note" "Nota"
+       "Problem" "Problema"
+       "Proof" "Demostración"
+       "Property" "Propriedade"
+       "Proposition" "Proposición"
+       "Question" "Pergunta"
+       "Remark" "Observación"
+       "Scheme" "Scheme"
+       "Solution" "Solución"
+       "Summary" "Resumo"
+       "Tableau" "Tableau"
+       "Theorem" "Teorema"
+       "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
+       "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
 Translation he
        "Acknowledgement" "הכרת תודה"
        "Acknowledgment" "הכרת תודה"
@@ -548,7 +642,7 @@ Translation he
        "List of Algorithms" "רשימת אלגוריתמים"
        "List of Charts" "רשימת תרשימים"
        "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "רשימת גרפים"
-       "List of Listings" "List of Listings"
+       "List of Listings" "Listings"
        "List of Schemes" "רשימת סכמות"
        "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
        "Listing" "רישום קוד"
@@ -572,6 +666,12 @@ Translation he
        "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
+Translation hr
+       "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Popis simbola"
+       "page[[nomencl]]" "stranica"
+       "see equation[[nomencl]]" "vidi jednadžbu"
 Translation hu
        "Acknowledgement" "Köszönetnyilvánítás"
        "Acknowledgment" "Köszönetnyilvánítás"
@@ -791,7 +891,7 @@ Translation ja
        "Nomenclature[[output]]" "用語集"
        "Notation" "記法"
        "Note" "註釈"
-       "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "註釈"
+       "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
        "Problem" "問題"
        "Proof" "証明"
        "Property" "性質"
@@ -803,8 +903,53 @@ Translation ja
        "Summary" "要約"
        "Tableau" "絵画"
        "Theorem" "定理"
-       "page[[nomencl]]" "頁"
-       "see equation[[nomencl]]" "請参照数式"
+       "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
+       "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
+Translation ko
+       "Acknowledgement" "Acknowledgement"
+       "Algorithm" "알고리듬"
+       "Assumption" "Assumption"
+       "Axiom" "Axiom"
+       "Case" "Case"
+       "Chart" "차트"
+       "Claim" "Claim"
+       "Conclusion" "Conclusion"
+       "Condition" "Condition"
+       "Conjecture" "Conjecture"
+       "Corollary" "Corollary"
+       "Criterion" "Criterion"
+       "Definition" "Definition"
+       "Example" "Example"
+       "Exercise" "Exercise"
+       "Fact" "Fact"
+       "Graph[[mathematical]]" "그래프"
+       "Lemma" "Lemma"
+       "List of Algorithms" "알고리듬 목록"
+       "List of Charts" "차트 목록"
+       "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "그래프 목록"
+       "List of Listings" "Listings"
+       "List of Schemes" "List of Schemes"
+       "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
+       "Listing" "Listing"
+       "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
+       "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
+       "Notation" "Notation"
+       "Note" "노우트(Note)"
+       "Problem" "Problem"
+       "Proof" "Proof"
+       "Property" "Property"
+       "Proposition" "Proposition"
+       "Question" "Question"
+       "Remark" "Remark"
+       "Scheme" "Scheme"
+       "Solution" "Solution"
+       "Summary" "Summary"
+       "Tableau" "Tableau"
+       "Theorem" "Theorem"
+       "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
+       "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
 Translation nb
@@ -1026,7 +1171,7 @@ Translation pt_BR
        "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclatura"
        "Notation" "Notação"
        "Note" "Nota"
-       "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notas"
+       "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
        "Problem" "Problema"
        "Proof" "Prova"
        "Property" "Propriedade"
@@ -1089,6 +1234,51 @@ Translation pt_PT
        "see equation[[nomencl]]" "veja equação"
+Translation ro
+       "Acknowledgement" "Mulțumiri"
+       "Algorithm" "Algoritm"
+       "Assumption" "Ipoteză"
+       "Axiom" "Axiomă"
+       "Case" "Caz"
+       "Chart" "Diagramă"
+       "Claim" "Afirmație"
+       "Conclusion" "Concluzie"
+       "Condition" "Condiție"
+       "Conjecture" "Presupunere"
+       "Corollary" "Corolar"
+       "Criterion" "Criteriu"
+       "Definition" "Definiție"
+       "Example" "Exemplu"
+       "Exercise" "Exercițiu"
+       "Fact" "Fapt"
+       "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafic"
+       "Lemma" "Lemă"
+       "List of Algorithms" "Listă de Algoritmi"
+       "List of Charts" "Listă de Diagrame"
+       "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Listă de Grafice"
+       "List of Listings" "Listings"
+       "List of Schemes" "Listă de Scheme"
+       "List of Tableaux" "Listă de Tabele"
+       "Listing" "Listare"
+       "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
+       "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
+       "Notation" "Notație"
+       "Note" "Notă"
+       "Problem" "Problemă"
+       "Proof" "Demonstrație"
+       "Property" "Proprietate"
+       "Proposition" "Propoziție"
+       "Question" "Întrebare"
+       "Remark" "Remarcă"
+       "Scheme" "Schemă"
+       "Solution" "Soluție"
+       "Summary" "Rezumat"
+       "Tableau" "Tabel"
+       "Theorem" "Teoremă"
+       "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
+       "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
 Translation ru
        "Acknowledgement" "Подтверждение"
        "Acknowledgment" "Подтверждение"
@@ -1114,7 +1304,7 @@ Translation ru
        "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Список графиков"
        "List of Listings" "Список листингов"
        "List of Schemes" "Список схем"
-       "List of Tableaux" "Список таблиц (лингв.)"
+       "List of Tableaux" "Список таблиц"
        "Listing" "Листинг"
        "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Листинги"
        "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Список обозначений"
@@ -1130,7 +1320,7 @@ Translation ru
        "Scheme" "Схема"
        "Solution" "Решение"
        "Summary" "Резюме"
-       "Tableau" "Таблица (лингв.)"
+       "Tableau" "Таблица"
        "Theorem" "Теорема"
        "page[[nomencl]]" "стр."
        "see equation[[nomencl]]" "см."
@@ -1183,6 +1373,96 @@ Translation sk
        "see equation[[nomencl]]" "porovnaj s rovnicou"
+Translation sl
+       "Acknowledgement" "Priznanje"
+       "Algorithm" "Algoritem"
+       "Assumption" "Assumption"
+       "Axiom" "Aksiom"
+       "Case" "Primer"
+       "Chart" "Chart"
+       "Claim" "Trditev"
+       "Conclusion" "Sklep"
+       "Condition" "Pogoj"
+       "Conjecture" "Domneva"
+       "Corollary" "Korolar"
+       "Criterion" "Kriterij"
+       "Definition" "Definicija"
+       "Example" "Zgled"
+       "Exercise" "Vaja"
+       "Fact" "Dejstvo"
+       "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Graph"
+       "Lemma" "Lema"
+       "List of Algorithms" "List of Algorithms"
+       "List of Charts" "List of Charts"
+       "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "List of Graphs"
+       "List of Listings" "Listings"
+       "List of Schemes" "List of Schemes"
+       "List of Tableaux" "List of Tableaux"
+       "Listing" "Listing"
+       "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
+       "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
+       "Notation" "Zapis"
+       "Note" "Opomba"
+       "Problem" "Problem"
+       "Proof" "Dokaz"
+       "Property" "Lastnost"
+       "Proposition" "Podmena"
+       "Question" "Vprašanje"
+       "Remark" "Pripomba"
+       "Scheme" "Scheme"
+       "Solution" "Rešitev"
+       "Summary" "Povzetek"
+       "Tableau" "Tableau"
+       "Theorem" "Izrek"
+       "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
+       "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
+Translation sr
+       "Acknowledgement" "Zahvalnost"
+       "Algorithm" "Algoritam"
+       "Assumption" "Pretpostavka"
+       "Axiom" "Aksiom"
+       "Case" "Slučaj"
+       "Chart" "Dijagram"
+       "Claim" "Tvrdnja"
+       "Conclusion" "Zaključak"
+       "Condition" "Uslov"
+       "Conjecture" "Pretpostavka"
+       "Corollary" "Posledica"
+       "Criterion" "Kriterijum"
+       "Definition" "Definicija"
+       "Example" "Primer"
+       "Exercise" "Vežba"
+       "Fact" "Činjenica"
+       "Graph[[mathematical]]" "Grafikon"
+       "Lemma" "Lemma"
+       "List of Algorithms" "Spisak Algoritama"
+       "List of Charts" "Spisak Dijagrama"
+       "List of Graphs[[mathematical]]" "Spisak Grafikona"
+       "List of Listings" "Listings"
+       "List of Schemes" "Spisak Šema"
+       "List of Tableaux" "Spisak Tabela "
+       "Listing" "Listing"
+       "Listings[[List of Listings]]" "Listings"
+       "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Nomenclature"
+       "Notation" "Zabeleška"
+       "Note" "Napomena"
+       "Problem" "Problem"
+       "Proof" "Dokaz"
+       "Property" "Osobina"
+       "Proposition" "Predlog"
+       "Question" "Pitanje"
+       "Remark" "Napomena"
+       "Scheme" "Šema"
+       "Solution" "Rešenje"
+       "Summary" "Rezime"
+       "Tableau" "Tabela"
+       "Theorem" "Teorema"
+       "page[[nomencl]]" "page"
+       "see equation[[nomencl]]" "see equation"
 Translation sv
        "Acknowledgement" "Tacksägelse"
        "Acknowledgment" "Tacksägelse"
@@ -1308,7 +1588,7 @@ Translation uk
        "Nomenclature[[output]]" "Позначення"
        "Notation" "Позначення"
        "Note" "Зауваження"
-       "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Нотатки"
+       "Notes[[Endnotes]]" "Notes"
        "Problem" "Задача"
        "Proof" "Доведення"
        "Property" "Властивість"
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