Dear Sirs,


I’m a first time user, finishing my PhD and looking at alternatives to replace 
Word. I ran the installer LyX-143-5 and managed to install LyX after a few 
problems which I think related with a faulty MikTeX 2.5 installation. But I’m 
still struggling to have it running smoothly. The problem is one that has been 
reported but for which I didn’t find a fix or workaround.

> The document uses a missing TeX class "cv" (and many others)
> LyX will not be able to produce output


In my case the problem occurred when I tried to open the sample files that come 
with LyX. What shall I do to fix it? And what needs to be done to install new 
classes or styles?


I would appreciate your help.


Best regards,


Jaime Remedios

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