On piątek 14 marzec 2003 06:27 am, John Levon wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 11:27:29AM +0000, Jos?  Matos wrote:
> > On Friday 14 March 2003 11:16, John Levon wrote:
> > > Plus the duplication of the changelong in the commit - most commit
> > > messages are good enough just being the changelog
> >
> >   I remember to have seen some experiments from Lars where the Changelog
> > diff was expanded in cvslog. If that was done then the commit message
> > could only be the title for the whole changes.
> Sometimes though it's useful to add notes (please test etc.). So we
> could make it always add the ChangeLog diffs but also pick something up
> from the commitlog...

Changelog, commitlog, oh boy ;-)

Well, aegis keeps all data about a change, including the history of various 
states the change went through, in a place that you access via simple

ael cd

which stands for "AEgisList ChangeDetails".

You can instantly see if the change passed the review or failed, if it failed 
then what was the reason given by the reviewer, etc.

I guess life gets a tad more organized when you can do things like the 
following, all within the framework:

# these are the actual things from my project
$ aegis -list -unformatted c | grep awaiting_development
31 awaiting_development Add targeted limit of stability
75 awaiting_development Add waveform display
76 awaiting_development Sorting of the tables
77 awaiting_development Fix height conversion roundoff errors
78 awaiting_development Collective results printing
79 awaiting_development Nicer CoP markers

$ aegis -list -unformatted c | grep awaiting_review
93 awaiting_review Streamline the I/O framework

Obviously, (for you keystroke minimization freaks) one is free to add 
shortcuts (aliases) to these, and I guess we can have our own aegis alias 
file so that if somebody invents a nice shortcut, everybody could use it.

Just imagine how much easier the life for Lars and all other potential 
reviewers would be, if instead of scouring the list for stuff to review, and 
everybody else complaining "my patch has been ignored, so here it is again 
[and then its outdated, and they have to rediff] they would just list changes 
awaiting review and access the diffs via *two* commands. Suppose somebody is 
to review my change 93:
$ ae_c 93
$ aedless
That's all -- the diffs (with *full* context) are just displayed via less.

And note -- at any stage before change's integration, you can change the 
description of a change (the one liner as well as the extended one). So, you 
could put something like
"Move some more stuff over to boost graph (Lars, plz review)"
and then, after Lars reviews it, he just deletes the stuff in parentheses. So 
there's some room for creativity -- Aegis doesn't preclude having fun!

Cheers, Kuba Ober

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