I promised to share my thoughts on what needs to be done, so here they
are in no particular order:

- sort out what the problems with recent (3.2 or 3.3) versions of Qt
  are, and try to make LyX/Mac work correctly with them. Report Qt
  bugs that have been identified.

- fix the display of lfun bindings in the menus (like Command O for
  File>Open...). I think I have an idea to do it which is outside of
  Qt/Mac code. Somebody will need to try it out, though.

- fix the problem with moving menu options. This one is tougher and
  requires a bit of work.

  1/ switch to a version of qt that has the (undocumented?)
  qt_mac_set_no_menubar_merge() function: this disables the Qt/Mac
  mechanism that moves entries to the LyX menu

  2/ add in the menu backend the possibility to define a 'system'
  menu; all entries in this menu will be removed from the main menu
  system. The frontend will be responsible for using this menu.

  3/ add code in the qt/mac frontend to actually populate the LyX menu
  with contents from the system menu. To this end it is possible to
  grab some code from qt/mac free.

- sort out the problem of using the native aqua filepicker vs. the qt
  one. It is more a decision to make than a difficulty with code.

I think it is all for now...

So, is there a volunteer in this room? Please raise your hand!


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