On piÄtek 17 grudzieÅ 2004 10:16 am, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Kuba" == Kuba Ober <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >> I think we should probably use only internal_path and only work
> >> inside LyX with paths which use / as separator. Of course, a second
> >> problem is that win32 names will retain drive numbers, but stuff in
> >> filetools should take care of that.
> Kuba> What about always using unix paths internally, and simply
> Kuba> translating C:\dir\x into /C:/dir/x ?
> And how does c:file.txt get translated? Windows has a strange notion
> of what an absolute path is.

That is not an absolute path, but a relative path on a given drive :)

I never explicitly supported "relative path on gien drive", namely because in 
graphical windows environment it never makes any sense -- i.e. in the GUI 
you'd never type anything like that. For any other use, it's for input only 

So, for OS-to-unix translation, you simply always expand the OS path with 
full, absolute path. Only that makes any sense. In fact, I always convert any 
OS path to absolute path before unix-izing it, so I've never faced the 
problem directly.

c:file.txt -> c:\currentdir\file.txt -> /c:/currentdir/file.txt

Now, if you have stuff where relative paths are useful (e.g. 
project-relative), then those will never have a drive in them. If they do, 
they auomatically are treated like absolute paths and if e.g. the input box 
has a validator, it should reject such a path.


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