On Thu, Mar 31, 2005 at 01:08:48PM +0200, Asger Alstrup wrote:

> I believe that a fixed sized scroll bar is a significant regression in 
> terms of usability.

Asger, we lost the ability to have a properly working scrollbar after
the core rewrite. I'm sure there are reasons it's difficult to do this,
so I am afraid we are stuck with it, and complaining will only irritate
people (usually my forte)

The question is how can we salvage the situation to make it as good as
we can.

> To improve further, consider the insets in the paragraph by having a 
> default size for each type and take that into account. Now, we are linear 

There's no such thing as a linear size for figures, so this is
guaranteed to go wrong in the worst possible cases (very large figures).


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