Abdelrazak Younes wrote:

I noticed that the 1.4 environment has already diverged quite a lot from
1.5, so this needs to get some thorough testing of its own. E.g.,
non-numbered headers are _not_ part of the ToC here.

IMHO, 1.5 has diverged too much already and have some additional features already so we should keep this feature as 1.5 and release it sooner than later. As far as I know, 1.5 is as stable as 1.4 if not stabler. But we can wait for tomorrow to let the flame war begin ;-)

Well, if 1.5 has diverged too much in a particular area than we should not backport corresponding new features. In the past, we fixed bugs in the stable branch and backported features _only_ if they were safe. I think we should stick with this strategy unless we want to switch to the "extreme programming" methodology.

Are there any bug fixes than can no longer be backported? What are the new features that would justify a quickly released 1.5? (Personally, I would like to see a nicely working change tracking in the near future (I am still working on it) and I would also like to reintroduce the "Format". Two things that might come true in 1.4.[23])


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