On 21-Jun-99 Ingo Kloecker wrote:
>> Ingo> You can mark the line (for example by holding down Shift and pressing
>> Ingo> Down) and
>> Ingo> then press backspace. It works for me, but it is a little bit tricky.
>> This does not work for me with the last line.
> Try going to the third box in the last line, hold down Shift and then press
> the
> Up-key and go to the end of the last-but-one line. Now the last line should
> be
> marked and you can delete it by pressing Delete.
> I hope this works for you (it did for me).
It works! Thanks a lot. But I think this should be fixed in the next release,
because it is not user-friendly. I think LyX should be clever enough to remove
the last row (if it is unused) when leaving the multiline-environment.
Greets to all,
Alexander Wollmann
Universität Freiburg,
Abteilung Elementar-Mathematik und Didaktik der Mathematik
E-Mail: Alexander Wollmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 21-Jun-99
Time: 16:57:10
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