Complaint: The damned platypus is still wrong!
You have copy to platypus.eps from clipart to doc under the
/usr/share/lyx directory to view the UserGuide properly.

Question: I tried the Docbook ducument layout. I hate the sans-serif
fonts it produces. Does anyone know how to change this. (I expect
that it should be done by some magic in SGML stylesheets). The
usual LyX font dialogue boxes were ineffective.

Question: I tried the Noweb article.
Problem 1: import of the examples in /usr/doc failed with a reLyX
  error: didn't find \begin{document} cammand
Problem 2: Creating a new document and choosing a Noweb option did
   not result in any change to the pulldown list of environments -
    No chunk.
Any suggestions?

John O'Gorman
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