Raphael Clifford wrote:

I have been lurking on this thread for a while.

I have to give a presentation in July to UniForumNZ (topic LTSP: Linux
Terminal Server Project).

I intend to use the occasion as part of a LyX missionary effort. 

My agenda consist of trying 4 approaches and choosing 1 of them:
1. View PDF (Got that sussed but no colour or effects)
2. pdfscreen (looks beautiful but not quite there yet with LyX). Seems
to work (faultily at this stage) with View PDFLaTeX
3. Advi (looks the most promising).
4. Prosper. 

I haven't tried Prosper yet. But I was totally disillusioned with
seminar. Seminar was actually harder to use with LyX than using vi with
a raw LaTeX file.

When I have all 4 working, I intend to document it all thoroughly and
make it available to whoever wants it. 
I would much appreciate if you could document your efforts with prosper.
I know you are under pressure at the moment. But later possibly ...

John O'Gorman

> The problem with view->postscript clipping the image has been traced to
> dvips using the "-t a4" option. This appears the break the postscript.
> Here is a diff between the correct postscript file and the one made by
> lyx with export->postscript.
>  > %%DocumentPaperSizes: a4
> 10c11
> < %DVIPSCommandLine: dvips cpm-talk -o cpm-talk.ps
> ---
>  > %DVIPSCommandLine: dvips -t a4 -o cpm-talk.ps cpm-talk.dvi
> 12c13
> < %DVIPSSource:  TeX output 2003.06.19:2024
> ---
>  > %DVIPSSource:  TeX output 2003.06.19:2019
> 791c792,794
> < %%PaperSize: A4
> ---
>  > %%BeginPaperSize: a4
>  > a4
>  > %%EndPaperSize
> 939c942
> I don't know what in lyx I would have to change to stop it adding in the
> "-t a4" flag or whether this is a dvips bug.
> I am using
> This is dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software
> (www.radicaleye.com)
> GNU Ghostscript 6.52 (2001-10-20)
> gv 3.5.8
> Cheers,
> Raphael

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