Thanks for your answers.

What I did at the end is to use \fancypagestyle{plain}{...} to describe the look of my header and then
use \thispagestyle{plain} just after \maketitle.


Sven Schreiber wrote:
Nicolás schrieb:

This question is probably more related to Latex than to Lyx, but
hopefully you can help me.

Given a paper, I would like to write some text in the free space
existing above the title. With fancy headers a can have headers in the
body of the paper, but I would like to have a kind of special header in
the first page, above the  title. Any clue about how to do that? Thanks


I guess what you want is to set \titlepagestyle (IIRC) different from
the general \pagestyle.
hth, sven

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