Charles de Miramon writes:

> > If koma-book doesn't provide a way to change this, then you have to get
> > your hands dirty with LaTeX. One way to do it is to put this in the
> > preamble:
> > \renewenvironment{quotation}
> >                {\list{}{\listparindent 1em%
> >                         \itemindent    \listparindent
> >                         \rightmargin   \leftmargin
> >                         \parsep        \z@ [EMAIL PROTECTED]@}%
> >                 \item\small\relax}
> >                {\endlist}
> > \renewenvironment{quote}
> >                {\list{}{\rightmargin\leftmargin}%
> >                 \item\small\relax}
> >                {\endlist}
> Or simpler :
> \renewenvironment{quotation}{%
>   \medskip%
>   \begin{addmargin}[1em]{0em}%
>   \small%
>   }{%
>    \normalsize%
>    \end{addmargin}%
>    \smallskip%
> }

However, this way the original definition is not retained.
This is equally simple and retains the definition:



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