Dear David,

>David Hewitt wrote:
>Now that Gregor's article about using Sweave with LyX is published in RNews:
>I wondered whether anyone has tried it on Windows?
>I'm ready to try it and was hoping someone could assist. Perhaps we can add
>to the LyX wiki page about Sweave to bring in the Windows side of things.
>David Hewitt
>Research Fishery Biologist
>USGS Klamath Falls Field Station (USA)

Check out the following recent post by Gregor on using LyX with Sweave
on MS-Windows:

I just updated to LyX 1.5.5 on my Windows XP laptop.  I followed
Gregor's installation instructions from the Rnews article to the

The only thing extra for me was making sure that R was in the PATH.
To do that, go Start -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced ->
Environment Variables, and then scroll in the list for the Path
variable to edit.  In my case, it sufficed to append
C:\PROGRA~1\R\R-2.7.0\bin to the list, but (of course) the location
where R is stored depends on the user.

With that small change everything worked fine.

Please note that - coincidentally - I had already installed Cygwin on
my system for other reasons; that may have helped with the relative
ease that I had with the configuration.

I have copied Gregor to this email. Perhaps we can combine our
experiences with the above mentioned post and add some material to the
LyX wiki for other users.


G. Jay Kerns, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor / Statistics Coordinator
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, OH 44555-0002 USA
Office: 1035 Cushwa Hall
Phone: (330) 941-3310 Office (voice mail)
-3302 Department
-3170 FAX

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