On Apr 8, 2011, at 6:04 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:

Hey Bruce

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Bruce Pourciau
<bruce.h.pourc...@lawrence.edu> wrote:
Other faces designed by Herman Zapf would do as well -- such as Aldus or

As far as I understand, Aldus is a book weight version of Palatino,
hence more readable. Do you know if URW++ or TeX Gyre (or anyone else)
provide a free clone? I searched all places that I could think of, but
couldn't find anything.

Given that Aldus is a more book-friendly version of Palatino, it's odd that it isn't better known and more often used. I too cannot find a free clone of Aldus.

Also, could you please confirm if URW Antiqua [2] is _not_ a clone of
Zapf Renaissance Antiqua [5]? The former complements [4] URW Grotesque
[3]. If so, are you aware of a free clone of Renaissance?
[2] http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/antiqua/
[3] http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/grotesk/
[4] http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/urw/antiqua/?more
[5] http://new.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/zapf-renaissance-antiqua/

URW Antigua, to my untrained eye, looks very little like Renaisssance. I'm afraid I don't know about any free clones of Renaissance.

-- except that they aren't burned into the memory of every
postscript printer, like Palatino.

Personally I like to use another Zapf design, Optima [1], as a sans
complement to Palatino.
[1] http://ctan.org/pkg/classico

Another possibility would be Syntax, designed by Hans Eduard Meier.


but again, there may be no free clone.

My bible for all things typographic is

Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style, now in its third edition.


For those interested, from the Zapf series freely available in LaTeX
there's also URW Chancery and TeX Gyre Chorus [6], both clones of Zapf
Chancery, a calligraphical font.
[6] http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/tgchorus/


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