Evince isn't available for mac. But, your suggestion led me to try open -a /Applications/Preview.app (something I should have thought of earlier), and that works like a charm.

Still...strange it no longer works for acrobat.


On 9/30/12 12:51 PM, Liviu Andronic wrote:
On Sun, Sep 30, 2012 at 8:44 PM, Tim Garrett <tim.garr...@utah.edu> wrote:
I can export pdf files and view them in acrobat fine, but not being able to
view them on the fly is a bit maddening.

Perhaps the output is being stored somewhere successfully but then LyX isn't
sending it correctly to Acrobat?

I often get issues on Windows when trying to use Adobe Reader. Have
you tried using Evince instead? In my experience it behaves better for
on-the-fly previews.


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