The more I'm thinking back, I now remember an idea I had for the original ROM and legacy software. The idea was that the extended 8085 could have a "virtualization" mode where it would configure a given 64K bank of it's 16M region as "legacy". When it enters "legacy" mode, all opcodes and addressing behave like a normal 8085 within the configured 64K bank.

Then a context switch timer (not available for access while in "legacy" mode) would pull the processor out of legacy mode every so often to perform extended stuff. I don't think I had worked though all the details of that, but that was the basic idea anyway.


On 5/2/16 4:26 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
Oh I know another reason to use special NOPs. NOPs are opcode 00 so which tends to be a special character. Probably some or all NOP-alternatives can be embedded directly in BASIC string literals. And don't think BASIC file I/O can be used for NULs.

So whatever. They are minor edge cases and they could be addressed as necessary with patches.

-- John.

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