
I think when I looked at the ROM, the sections that were different included
the TELCOM section, and I assume that it means the modem tone generation is
different.  That implies the RC filter networks on the modem
circuitry would also be different.
I can't say for sure but I believe the ROM functions are written to match
the analog capabilities of the modem itself.

but who uses the modem anyways!


On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 1:51 PM <> wrote:

> Yes, I don’t take into account that the ASCII character table was extended
> for EU, very interesting !
> I am a litle bit surprised that Traveling software don’t think about the
> European version but after all,
> this is normal because in the past, we are not a market of big concern and
> Traveling can not support
> to write code for a such little market.
> Steve, you say that the modem will be no more usable if I replace the
> European ROM image; can you explain why ?
> By the way,  here is the link for the pictures of the machine :
> Jean – Pierre
> *From:* Kurt McCullum <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 18, 2020 5:15 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [M100] M102 TANDY + TS-DOS + TPDD 100k issue
> Most likely, the folks at Traveling Software didn't take into account the
> EU version. Or perhaps they were unaware of it. Those details are likely
> lost to time.
> As for compatibility. I would check the model number on the main board to
> make sure it matches the US mainboard. If not, there could be issues.
> Hopefully the ROM patch was something specific to EU use such as the
> extended ASCII character table.
> Kurt
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 8:12 AM, wrote:
> Yes, I have compared the ROM provided with Virtual T and my own ROM and
> effectively, she are differents.
> Like I say to Steve, I wonder if, maybe, I can burn the VIRTUAL T M102 ROM
> inside a 27C256 to make a try ?
> Naturally, there is a risk of hardware incompatibility, so, this is maybe
> not a good idea.
> This is very strange that Microsoft did an another version of ROM for the
> European version.
> Jean – Pierre
> *From:* Stephen Adolph <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 18, 2020 5:00 PM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Model 100 Discussion <>
> *Subject:* Re: [M100] M102 TANDY + TS-DOS + TPDD 100k issue
> yah, we know the rom is different.  Already compared.
> So, maybe that EU ROM is not really compatible with TS-DOS.
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 10:59 AM Kurt McCullum <> wrote:
> When using the ROM you sent, Virtual-T does crash like you indicated. I'm
> comparing the ROMs right now. They are different. The first byte I found
> that was different is at 0395h. I'll see what else I can find.
> Kurt
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 7:59 AM, wrote:
> I dumped the image directly from my ROM with a little program provided by
> Steve.
> *From:* Brian White <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 18, 2020 4:53 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [M100] M102 TANDY + TS-DOS + TPDD 100k issue
> Did you actually dump this from your machine? Or is this just on of the
> archived copies like from the rex documentation wiki pages?
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, 10:41 AM <> wrote:
> Here is the ROM image.
> Thank you for the test !
> Jean – Pierre
> *From:* Kurt McCullum <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 18, 2020 4:26 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [M100] M102 TANDY + TS-DOS + TPDD 100k issue
> I just tried both of these test conditions in Virtual-T with a standard
> 102 rom and TS-DOS 4.1. Neither one hung the emulator.
> Is the ROM image for your machine available? I'd be happy to test it.
> Kurt
> On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 7:20 AM, wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am a new owner of a tandy Model 102 and I put him an new REX# from Steve.
> The REX# run fine but I encouter a strange problem when I activate the
> resident portion of TS-DOS in RAM.
> In fact, when I edit a .DO file in TEXT editor and try to save him with
> the F3 button and a file name like for example:
> 0:test  the TEXT editor crash and I must reset the machine.
> When the crash appears, sometime the screen freeze and sometime, a portion
> of code of TELCOM seems to be read because the menu
> PREV UP DOWN FULL of TELCOM appears on the bottom of the screen.
> An another more radical crash occur when you made the following procedure :
> 1° activate TS-DOS resident portion
> 2° in BASIC, run the command SOUND 400, 100
> 3° exit BASIC with the MENU command (or F8)
> 3° in TEXT editor, inpur some text and hit F3
> 4° input 0:test
> => now, all the screen disappears and the reset button don’t work; I need
> to power off and on the machine to restart.
> With the help of Steve, I tested an image of my ROM into VIRTUAL T and the
> issue can be reproduced.
> So, I wish to ask you if maybe, an owner of a Model 102 know this problem
> or if maybe, it is possible that my ROM image was
> incompatible with the version 4 or 4.1 of TS-DOS ?
> Thank you,
> Jean – Pierre

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