
ok, I understand better now, thank you.

I am not aware of the software architecture inside the ROM, so for now, I can’t 
understand the program from Microsoft
(and this is the same for TS-DOS) without spend months to analyse and try to 
decode the soft.
But anyway, I am happy that Kurt and you agreed to the fact that TS-DOS was 
certainly not compatible with my EU version.
Thank you infinitely for all your help and time.

Jean – Pierre

From: Stephen Adolph 
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [M100] M102 TANDY + TS-DOS + TPDD 100k issue


I think when I looked at the ROM, the sections that were different included the 
TELCOM section, and I assume that it means the modem tone generation is 
different.  That implies the RC filter networks on the modem circuitry would 
also be different.
I can't say for sure but I believe the ROM functions are written to match the 
analog capabilities of the modem itself.

but who uses the modem anyways!


On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 1:51 PM <> wrote:

  Yes, I don’t take into account that the ASCII character table was extended 
for EU, very interesting !

  I am a litle bit surprised that Traveling software don’t think about the 
European version but after all,
  this is normal because in the past, we are not a market of big concern and 
Traveling can not support
  to write code for a such little market.

  Steve, you say that the modem will be no more usable if I replace the 
European ROM image; can you explain why ?

  By the way,  here is the link for the pictures of the machine :

  Jean – Pierre

  From: Kurt McCullum 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 5:15 PM
  Subject: Re: [M100] M102 TANDY + TS-DOS + TPDD 100k issue

  Most likely, the folks at Traveling Software didn't take into account the EU 
version. Or perhaps they were unaware of it. Those details are likely lost to 

  As for compatibility. I would check the model number on the main board to 
make sure it matches the US mainboard. If not, there could be issues. Hopefully 
the ROM patch was something specific to EU use such as the extended ASCII 
character table.


  On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 8:12 AM, wrote:

    Yes, I have compared the ROM provided with Virtual T and my own ROM and 
effectively, she are differents.

    Like I say to Steve, I wonder if, maybe, I can burn the VIRTUAL T M102 ROM 
inside a 27C256 to make a try ?

    Naturally, there is a risk of hardware incompatibility, so, this is maybe 
not a good idea.


    This is very strange that Microsoft did an another version of ROM for the 
European version.


    Jean – Pierre



    From: Stephen Adolph

    Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 5:00 PM


    Cc: Model 100 Discussion

    Subject: Re: [M100] M102 TANDY + TS-DOS + TPDD 100k issue

    yah, we know the rom is different.  Already compared.

    So, maybe that EU ROM is not really compatible with TS-DOS.


    On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 10:59 AM Kurt McCullum <> wrote:

      When using the ROM you sent, Virtual-T does crash like you indicated. I'm 
comparing the ROMs right now. They are different. The first byte I found that 
was different is at 0395h. I'll see what else I can find.


      On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 7:59 AM, wrote:

        I dumped the image directly from my ROM with a little program provided 
by Steve.


        From: Brian White

        Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 4:53 PM


        Subject: Re: [M100] M102 TANDY + TS-DOS + TPDD 100k issue

        Did you actually dump this from your machine? Or is this just on of the 
archived copies like from the rex documentation wiki pages? 



        On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, 10:41 AM <> wrote:

          Here is the ROM image.

          Thank you for the test !


          Jean – Pierre


          From: Kurt McCullum

          Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 4:26 PM


          Subject: Re: [M100] M102 TANDY + TS-DOS + TPDD 100k issue

          I just tried both of these test conditions in Virtual-T with a 
standard 102 rom and TS-DOS 4.1. Neither one hung the emulator.

          Is the ROM image for your machine available? I'd be happy to test it.


          On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, at 7:20 AM, wrote:

            Dear all,




            I am a new owner of a tandy Model 102 and I put him an new REX# 
from Steve.


            The REX# run fine but I encouter a strange problem when I activate 
the resident portion of TS-DOS in RAM.


            In fact, when I edit a .DO file in TEXT editor and try to save him 
with the F3 button and a file name like for example:


            0:test  the TEXT editor crash and I must reset the machine.


            When the crash appears, sometime the screen freeze and sometime, a 
portion of code of TELCOM seems to be read because the menu


            PREV UP DOWN FULL of TELCOM appears on the bottom of the screen.




            An another more radical crash occur when you made the following 
procedure :


            1° activate TS-DOS resident portion

            2° in BASIC, run the command SOUND 400, 100

            3° exit BASIC with the MENU command (or F8)

            3° in TEXT editor, inpur some text and hit F3

            4° input 0:test

            => now, all the screen disappears and the reset button don’t work; 
I need to power off and on the machine to restart.




            With the help of Steve, I tested an image of my ROM into VIRTUAL T 
and the issue can be reproduced.




            So, I wish to ask you if maybe, an owner of a Model 102 know this 
problem or if maybe, it is possible that my ROM image was

            incompatible with the version 4 or 4.1 of TS-DOS ?




            Thank you,


            Jean – Pierre







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