
Having just gotten a Portable Computer Support Group (PCSG) Rom Bank with Disk+ 
and adding SuperROM, I would be intersted in burning some ROMs. Would like to 
know your process. Or, maybe ask if you'd be willing to burn a couple.

Anyway, I'm an ol' PCSG Lucid fan and use Lucid under DOS and Windows 3.1x. My 
choice then is SuperROM to get Lucid and Write ROM in one swing. The database 
is quite useful as well. Add to that Disk+ for easier external storage 
management. Other's will go the Traveling Software route and want Ultimate ROM 
and TS-DOS. Both are great and even with Disk+ I want TS-DOS in ROM to work 
with my TPDD2.

Other ROMs are useful, but you'd have to read about them to decide if they 
would be useful to you.

God Bless,
GregS <><

Jul 8, 2021 6:14:59 AM Justin Poirier <gen.ele...@gmail.com>:

> I’ve been using my M102 (and later as $$$ allowed, M200s) since the early 
> ‘90s, but have just gotten into burning my own ROMs for the ROM slot, now 
> that I’m in a position to fabricate the carrier boards. I’ve found a 
> half-dozen ROM images (separate images for both the 100/102 and the 200), but 
> no real descriptions of what I should be looking into. TS-DOS is a must-have 
> since I have a disk drive, and that works great, but Sardine, Random, etc all 
> look like they need additional “support” ROMs, or extra hardware, or are 
> application-specific in a direction unknown to me. Are there other ROM images 
> that most people find useful, or are part of the “must-have” collection? 
> Where do I find them, if they exist?
> I realize I’ve just asked a question like “what is the best brand of motor 
> oil” on a car-enthusiasts forum, but if anyone could throw me a bone and get 
> me pointed in a good direction, I’m pretty good at finding the rest of the 
> details myself.
> Thanks a lot!
> —Justin

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