Greg, do you perhaps want some hardcopy documentation for Lucid SuperRom

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 9:49 AM Greg Swallow <> wrote:

> Justin,
> Having just gotten a Portable Computer Support Group (PCSG) Rom Bank with
> Disk+ and adding SuperROM, I would be intersted in burning some ROMs. Would
> like to know your process. Or, maybe ask if you'd be willing to burn a
> couple.
> Anyway, I'm an ol' PCSG Lucid fan and use Lucid under DOS and Windows
> 3.1x. My choice then is SuperROM to get Lucid and Write ROM in one swing.
> The database is quite useful as well. Add to that Disk+ for easier external
> storage management. Other's will go the Traveling Software route and want
> Ultimate ROM and TS-DOS. Both are great and even with Disk+ I want TS-DOS
> in ROM to work with my TPDD2.
> Other ROMs are useful, but you'd have to read about them to decide if they
> would be useful to you.
> God Bless,
> GregS <><
> Jul 8, 2021 6:14:59 AM Justin Poirier <>:
> > I’ve been using my M102 (and later as $$$ allowed, M200s) since the
> early ‘90s, but have just gotten into burning my own ROMs for the ROM slot,
> now that I’m in a position to fabricate the carrier boards. I’ve found a
> half-dozen ROM images (separate images for both the 100/102 and the 200),
> but no real descriptions of what I should be looking into. TS-DOS is a
> must-have since I have a disk drive, and that works great, but Sardine,
> Random, etc all look like they need additional “support” ROMs, or extra
> hardware, or are application-specific in a direction unknown to me. Are
> there other ROM images that most people find useful, or are part of the
> “must-have” collection? Where do I find them, if they exist?
> >
> > I realize I’ve just asked a question like “what is the best brand of
> motor oil” on a car-enthusiasts forum, but if anyone could throw me a bone
> and get me pointed in a good direction, I’m pretty good at finding the rest
> of the details myself.
> >
> > Thanks a lot!
> >
> > —Justin

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