
DOS (DR or Free) with Disk+ and Lucid for DOS. Maybe Windows 3.1 and Lucid for 
Windows. I hope to find a Wyse V90LE XPE with duel video and PCMCIA somewhere 
in North America, but only ones I've found are in Germany. At $100+ after 
shipping kinda cost prohibative. Asking here to see if anyone has had luck with 
other models.

GregS <><

Jul 8, 2021 7:18:07 AM Stephen Adolph <>:

> Greg, what are you hoping to run on the converted thin clients?
> On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 10:14 AM Greg Swallow <> wrote:
>> All,
>> Am looking to pickup some thin client systems and convert them to Retro PC 
>> an use with the M100. Too many tower systems taking up space. Just wondering 
>> if anyone has done such a conversion and what client et al.
>> GregS <><

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