Sure, anything that can help the community,

CAT NO 26-3803
Serial 701400021

I just wanted to know if my problem was hardware of software, it seems to
be software - clearly the US rom breaks the modem ( and interestingly, it
also adds features like F2 pulse dialing in TELCOM, which my EU ROM does
not have. (I said DMTF in my previous mail, I meant PULSE of course))

I'll probably revert to US ROM & REX# once I've documented (probably a
video) the process of reviving and making, real, proper, modem calls with
this equipment and a few others. I just find it cute to have this wok for
real again. I don't know the situation in the US but here it's becoming
close to impossible to even have a proper PSTN line (most are VOIP on top
of cable modems), obviously none of them support pulse dialing anymore, so
well, my project "to make it work again like back in the day" is a
challenge of its own.

Le ven. 4 févr. 2022 à 13:42, Stephen Adolph <> a
écrit :

> A snip from the notes section at the rex# wiki:
>   Notes
>   =====
>   Model 100:
>   * In Europe and UK, and probably elsewhere, there are newer versions of 
> M100 that have different boards.
>   * Model numbers are 26-3801B and 26-3802B.
>   * REX# does not function correctly in these models, due to the 
> significantly different main ROM.
> I am recalling that the work to get REX# to support these versions of M100
> is significant.  It would require identifying all the rom calls and
> correcting them, and testing them.  Basically documenting this new main rom.
> You say this is a T102.  Can you tell us the model number?
> It makes sense that if there is a B variant of the M100, with a different
> ROM then there is probably something similar for T102.
> It would be tricky and crash prone to try and switch main roms with a rex
> installed.  You would have to deinstall rexmgr in order to use the original
> rom.
> Thanks.
> Steve
> On Friday, February 4, 2022, Stephen Adolph <> wrote:
>> The EU rom is really really different.  Rex doesnt work with that rom.
>> Previous owner valued rex more than modem.
>> Steve
>> On Friday, February 4, 2022, Cedric Amand <> wrote:
>>> Hello Steve, Hello everyone
>>> Thanks again really for taking the time... We all have lives and I
>>> really appreciate.
>>> I did some more research (isn't that what we all like in this hobby) and
>>> here is what I came up with.
>>> - I have for sure a Belgian, European, Model 102. no doubt about it.
>>> - My little homemade PABX (phone exchange) is flawless, it works with
>>> other modems of the era or plain analog phones.
>>> - With a "US" BIOS (not sure which) and the REX#, the modem part is
>>> completely broken. This is especially obvious if you hit F4 in TELCOM, the
>>> M102 start to make awful noise (without cable, just on it's own!) and the
>>> program seems crashed (needs reset/reboot).
>>> From there I tried;
>>> - Removing the REX# (which I wouldn't have done without everyone's
>>> support here) ; problem is the same
>>> - Interestingly, "TERM" (F4) in TELCOM also still crashes !
>>> Then obviously, what I tried;
>>> - The seller did gave me my original BIOS, just marked "EU" (if I can
>>> give you a version i'd gladly do it, I can also dump it if that's of any
>>> use the the community)
>>> Now... I guess I'm "stock" again.
>>> This changes a lot of things.
>>> The TELCO program changes a lot !
>>> Interestingly, is has no more F1 or F2 features, F2 was called "CALL"
>>> (it allowed me to do DTMF pulses), the feature is not there at all anymore
>>> (?!)
>>> Hitting F4 (TERM) does not make any noise now, and does not crash.
>>> I was able to make a link between my USR 56K and the M102, thru my PABX,
>>> by using the ANSW mode in the M102.
>>> I have a proper 300bps link, hows "CONNECT" on the USrobotics, and i can
>>> see the characters I type on both sides.
>>> (it's not yet a real useful communication but the basics are there, from
>>> now on I can manage !)
>>> (So I wanted to explain all that in great details first in case it ever
>>> helps someone.)
>>> Then the question remains ; *why* did my original owner change the BIOS
>>> to use REX#
>>> Is that mandatory ? Wdyt Steve ?
>>> Is there a way I could put a "name" on my BIOSes (version, revision ? is
>>> there a place or a CALL where this shows up ?)
>>> What would happen if I put back the REX# with my current ("EU") BIOS ?
>>> Does anyone have any idea why the F1/F2 (CALL) functions in TELCO
>>> disappeared when I switched bios ?
>>> That's a lot of questions I know :)
>>> Le ven. 4 févr. 2022 à 12:04, Stephen Adolph <> a
>>> écrit :
>>>> Cedric, who did you buy it from?  I can go through my emails to find
>>>> out the history.
>>>> Thx Steve

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