Hello Brian, First of all, again thanks for taking the time to answer me in so 
much detail. You're right about the confusion about TPDD client and emulators, 
I actually just did the mistake, installing on my msdos computer what is 
clearly an tpdd client, not an emulator. By the way here's my setup :) 
https://ibb.co/ccMR2Gw I have the files from the latest REX"2.1 ZIP file, a 
working serial link obviously I'm planning to use an MSDOS computer (here a 
libretto out of my collection) as with a recent Maxbook pro M1 everything 
becomes more complicated. What you you recommend for bootstrapping from MSDOS 
(6.22) (Alternatively the libretto has Win98 if needed.) Same question for the 
TPDD emulator ? The rest of your instructions are super clear, and I'll try 
that right away, maybe making a summary post myself thanks! Le 2022-04-13 
22:30, Brian K. White <b.kenyo...@gmail.com> a écrit : > > Yes. In fact a real 
tpdd doesn't even work for this. > > It's supposed to in theory even though 
it's so inconvenient to rig up > that no one would ever actually do it that 
way, but I had reason to > actually try it and the rex setup util doesn't work 
with either a real > TPDD1 or TPDD2. > > Anyway yes you just get the right kind 
of serial cable, download the > rex# setup files and a bootstrapper program and 
a tpdd server program > into a temp dir, use the bootstrapper to transfer and 
run the rex# setup > utiil, start the tpdd server while the setup util is 
waiting at it's > first prompt, and the setup util then fetches a file or two 
from the > tpdd server while it's running. > > After that, in day to day usage 
you'll use that same serial cable and > tpdd server all the time for ordinary 
file transfer both ways, and in > rexmgr to install option rom images. >

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