On Wed, Apr 13, 2022, 6:20 PM Brian K. White <b.kenyo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In another post which possibly hasn't posted yet or possibly went to
> spam, I gave a lot of links and details to garanteed ways to do it,
> which uses a dedicated bootstrapper program to send the initial RX#U1.DO
> and either dlplus or laddiealpha for the tpdd server. These are known to
> work. Anything else is "might work". But the bulletproof simple ways
> currently need windows or linux or mac. There is no bootstrapper for
> ms-dos. (Well, the original dos desklink does supposedly have a
> bootstrapper function by creating a file named loader.ba and then you
> can issue a command from the 100 to trigger it, but I've never got that
> to actually work)
> So if you still want to use ms-dos on the host side, you'll have to do
> so trial & error to figure out why you're getting a corrupt transfer of
> the initial RX*.DO file. Doing it manually leaves many opportunities for
> leading junk, trailing junk, bad line-endings, and dropped characters
> from gpoing too fast. You'll have to say *exactly* what you did or else
> there is no way to guess what might have gone wrong.

I saw your original post that covered a .PS1 injector and whatnot

Might just open it with a text editor and see if there's anything obviously

The usual corruption of ASCII transfers is because of dropped characters
due to no flow control or flow control that is not working reliably.

-- John.


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