The frozen thing is common for me with TELCOM as well when I remove the
serial cable. I don't know if that's a Tandy 200 thing or if it affects the
Model 100 as well.

I presume it has something to do with Carrier Detect, or the like. The
solution is to hit Shift-Break then F8. Every time you hit Shift-Break,
TELCOM seems to process one character before it gets stuck waiting again
for CD, so you might have to hit it repeatedly.

I have heard that John Hogerhuis's HTERM is the consensus best terminal,
but I have not used it yet.

For file transfers, I use dlplus <> (also
originally written by John Hogerhuis, but I believe it is now maintained by
Brian White). Dlplus is nicer than xmodem because it acts like a drive. It
also has a nifty bootstrap mode
<> that gets a binary transfer
program onto your T200. Just run this on your host side and follow the

dlplus -b DSKMGR.200

If you are connecting to a UNIX box via TELCOM, I humbly suggest
giving my Tandy
Terminfo <> a try.


P.S. There are other options than DSKMGR.200 if you find it takes too much
space. Use `dlplus -l` to see them.

On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 4:54 AM Cedric Amand <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Very simple question ; is there a more sophisticated program than TELCOM
> for modem or direct serial communications ?
> Maybe part of a ROM ?
> Specifically, something that would support xmodem or make file exchanges
> easier ? Also maybe easier settings than "stat" :)
> I also often find myself with the M200 "frozen" when doing serial
> communication (cannot F8 anymore, need to RESET), like if I hangup on one
> side, the receiving M200 is frozen.
> Am I doing something wrong ?
> Thanks !

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