Thanks, I'm glad to see I'm not alone with those M200 freezes when using serial 
comm, I also believe it's due to flow control, specifically xon/xoff , I may be 
able to exit out of the freeze with an escape code, i'll try that. It's likely 
CTS/RTS has been implemented as a hardware interrupt, whereas the xon/xoff 
support is obviously software and can leave "dead links" if they implemented 
that without any timeout. (It's just a hunch I did not investigate that so 
don't quote me on this.) The device seems less likely to "hang" with hardware 
flow control. The M102 also crashes less than my M200 for whatever reason. I'm 
probably a nerd but I like to use serial communication to make demos, or simply 
revive those programs and learn those techniques again. I have a serial link 
between M200 and M102 and you quickly hit the limitations of stock "telcom"; 
Also some features exist int he M200 telcom but not on the m100/102 ( like line 
feed CR/LF conversions ) which explains why the STAT strings are different. So 
communication between those two is limited. I'll have a look at HTERM Le 
2022-12-08 21:05, B 9 <> a écrit : > > > The frozen thing is 
common for me with TELCOM as well when I remove the serial cable. I don't know 
if that's a Tandy 200 thing or if it affects the Model 100 as well. > > > > I 
presume it has something to do with Carrier Detect, or the like. The solution 
is to hit Shift-Break then F8. Every time you hit Shift-Break, TELCOM seems to 
process one character before it gets stuck waiting again for CD, so you might 
have to hit it repeatedly. > > > > I have heard that John Hogerhuis's HTERM is 
the consensus best terminal, but I have not used it yet. > > > > For file 
transfers, I use dlplus ( (also originally 
written by John Hogerhuis, but I believe it is now maintained by Brian White). 
Dlplus is nicer than xmodem because it acts like a drive. It also has a nifty 
bootstrap mode ( that gets a binary 
transfer program onto your T200. Just run this on your host side and follow the 
prompts: > > > > ```bash > > dlplus -b DSKMGR.200 > > ``` > > > > If you are 
connecting to a UNIX box via TELCOM, I humbly suggest giving my Tandy Terminfo 
( a try. > > > > --b9 > > > > > 
P.S. There are other options than DSKMGR.200 if you find it takes too much 
space. Use `dlplus -l` to see them. > > > > > > > > > > > On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 
at 4:54 AM Cedric Amand < (> wrote: > 
> > > > > Hello everyone, > > > > > > > > Very simple question ; is there a 
more sophisticated program than TELCOM for modem or direct serial 
communications ? > > > > Maybe part of a ROM ? > > > > > > > > Specifically, 
something that would support xmodem or make file exchanges easier ? Also maybe 
easier settings than "stat" :) > > > > > > > > I also often find myself with 
the M200 "frozen" when doing serial communication (cannot F8 anymore, need to 
RESET), like if I hangup on one side, the receiving M200 is frozen. > > > > Am 
I doing something wrong ? > > > > > > > > Thanks ! > > > > > > > > >

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