I'm super interested in those serial problems, but I can't fully grasp John's 
phrase below, would you please clarify and elaborate a bit ? > 3 wire is all 
the model 100 / 200 actually uses unless you're using HTERM > or you like the 
godlike simplicity of the cable check lockup, or you cannot disable the cable 
check in software. I often have lockups on my M200, I'm also under the 
impression (but I'm no expert yet) that in some way it's serial (in this case 
null modem) implementation niside TERM differs from the one of the M102. If I 
do a direct null modem (full cable) between a M102 and a M200, with TERM, the 
M200 will systematically lockup when the M102 hangs up ( EXIT/F8 ) whereas the 
reverse is not true. This with both ends using (or supposed to use) hardware 
handshake (and xon/xoff disabled) This is pure observation and might be 
specific to my setup, of course. However if you could please elaborate a bit 
about how the M10x/M200 uses the serial lines, that would be much appreciated

 I "think" from my hours of fiddling that null modem serial on the M10x/M200 
only works reliably with xon/xoff and the hardware only handshake (at least in 
TERM) is flaky on the receiving end. I have yet to try HTERM. (It's for sure on 
my todo)

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