Hello, While trying to help Stephen testing new REX software, I've been 
investigating crashes of both my M102 and M200 (unrelated to REX) It seems that 
when using batteries that are "bit low" (but the red light does not turn on), 
together with anything using the serial port (transfers, TPDD,etc) again the 
light does not turn on, but I have system crashes that wipe the memory 
(basically equivalent to CTRL-BREAK-RESET) My systems comes back empty, date in 
1900, you know the drill. Am I alone ? Is this indeed related to using serial, 
or maybe just to low battery ? Why doesn't the backup battery protect my work 
(they are brand new) ? What can I do to avoid those "memory wiping crashes" ? 
Could it be related to the fact both systems have a REX# ? (I doubt it - but 
hey, I also doubt these things wiped their memory twice a day back in the day) 
It's super frustrating because each time they occur I loose a bit of faith in 
my ModelT's, and you don't want that. If I could at least investigate a

 possible cause, that would help me.

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