I learned a lot from a (paper) copy of 'Mastering CPM' by Alan R. Miller.  
Found a pdf at
----Original Message----
>From : dpl...@alum.mit.edu
Date : 2024-03-18 - 13:57 (CEST)
To : m...@bitchin100.com
Subject : Re: [M100] looking for assembler/debugger
 I also like "8080/8085 assembly language subroutines" by Lance Leventhal 
  On Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 6:32 AM Anthony Coghlan <
  coghl...@gmail.com> wrote:
    What a great thread!  :)  Very late to the party but will add a couple of 
books.  Not M100-specific, but if you’re interested in a couple of very good 
general 8085 books, I would recommend these.  The first is a self-contained 
course (probably a quite popular textbook originally), while the second is a 
more compact reference.  I believe I found both in PDF on 
    archive.org (Internet Archive).
    *  Judi Fernandez and Ruth Ashley, _Introduction to 8080/8085 Assembly 
Language Programming_.
    *  Noel Morris, _Pocket Guide Assembly Language for the 8085_.
    I’ll have to check out John’s _Inside the Model 100_ reference.
    Best wishes,
      On Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 10:01 AM David Plass <
      dpl...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
       I've forked a fork of a fork of a python-based 8085 assembler: 
       https://github.com/dplassgit/8085-Assembler-trs80-100 which generates a 
BASIC program that you can use to poke your assembly language program into 
        On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 6:18 PM <
        bir...@soigeneris.com> wrote:
        There are a few assemblers that can be hosted on the M100. For my use I 
created an extension for VS Code that supports Telemark Assembler (TASM). TASM 
has been around since the 1980s, still maintained by the original author as of 
a few years ago. 
 You can download the extension from within VS Code or from Github. The Github 
repo also has a shareware copy of TASM and some instructions.
 Jeff Birt
 -----Original Message-----
 From: M100 <
        m100-boun...@lists.bitchin100.com> On Behalf Of Will Senn
 Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 3:05 PM
 Subject: [M100] looking for assembler/debugger
 Hi All,
 I'm studying the 8085 microprocessor and its assembly language right now 
(Engineering Funda on Youtube with Jubin Mitra's 8085 Sim). It's going fine, 
but I realize that I have an m100 laying around with an actual OKI
 80C85 in it to play with. What I can't remember is, whether or not there's an 
assembler and debugger available for it laying around somewhere? Also, is there 
a book out there on m100 assembly language programming? When I last messed 
around with the system, I was doing BASIC and didn't get into the processor 
much. Now, I'm interested and looking for an assembler - help appreciated.

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