At 18:01 -0400 2001.04.18, Paul Henry Smith wrote:
>It's also interesting to note that they (Apple) considered the case
>issue a trivial matter that did not warrant a fix.

Of course.  Because Apple has been proving for some time now that they
don't care about users who want to mold the system to suit them.  They
don't care about users who want to stretch the system.  They only care
about users who want to lick the screen.  Don't like the new UI?  Tough:
can't change it, can't modify it, can't revert back to the one you've used
for 15 years and have grown to love.  Can't figure out how to configure it?
Then don't!  Want docs on the various changes we made to the core, to
NetInfo, etc.?  Good luck!

Steve Jobs and Apple as a whole do not care about us, unfortunately.

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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