At 11:38 -0700 7/12/02, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
>   find2perl /Dir -eval '-f and -s "$_/..namedfork/rsrc"' -print | perl

Wow, that's cool.  I had never heard of find2perl.  I learn something 
new every day on this list.

I ran both the find command and the find2perl command against 
/Applications to find resource forks there.  The find2perl version 
took 24 seconds and the find version took 195 seconds.  A big win!

I have some Perl scripts that make extensive use of find that are 
quite slow (because of waiting on find).  I'll change them to use 
find2perl (or find2perl-generated code) instead and see what happens. 
Looks like I should have just been using File::Find in the first 
place, but it was a quick and dirty script that evolved into a more 
major tool, as always seems to happen.

Thanks for the pointer!


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