I've recently been reorganizing my mp3 collections, and part of the reason
was because I wanted to generate a listing of my albums automatically, but
with ultimate control over the display. Most of the shareware/freeware
converters worked, but didn't give me enough control.

In most things, I code, I try to think of "ok, what if someone else is
going to use this?". In that case, I ruled out Mac::iTunes - there's so
many dependencies that I'm not even bothering exploring it further (which
is unfortunate, primarily for my snap decision). I also ruled out
MP3::Info, which had some issues with "originally SoundJam 2.2, but iTunes
converted to 2.4, and now they're screwed", and also couldn't get as much
information as I wanted.

So, using the automatic XML export from iTunes 3.01, I've created a simple
Perl script that only requires HTTP::Date (disabling it means commenting
three lines). This script:

 - accepts path to the XML export on the command line.
 - sucks in all the information in the XML file.
 - is pretty strict about what is required in id3 tags.
 - can show what albums have been newly added in the past 30 days.
 - can show other little bits of information, (I'll be adding more).

You can see the output of the script here:


And the source code itself here:


It's a one-day script sorta thing, so I'm sure there are some idiocies or
places where I can improve on the code. If you have any thoughts, lemme know.

Morbus Iff ( shower your women, i'm coming )
Culture: http://www.disobey.com/ and http://www.gamegrene.com/
Tech: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/779 - articles and weblog
icq: 2927491 / aim: akaMorbus / yahoo: morbus_iff / jabber.org: morbus

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