On Jul 11, 2014, at 12:50 AM, Bill Christensen <billc_li...@greenbuilder.com> 

> Though I've followed all the instructions presented while installing I'm 
> getting spotty coverage on the starting of various services on reboot.  For 
> instance, Apache, MySQL55 and Mailman all start on boot up.  However, though 
> there are symlink items in /Library/LaunchDaemons for Fetchmail and 
> PostgreSQL93 (org.macports.fetchmail.plist and 
> org.macports.postgresql93-server.plist), and they will both start with manual 
> commands, neither starts on boot.  
> My current Fetchmail start command (run as a regular user) is:
> /opt/local/bin/fetchmail -d 500 --fetchmailrc /etc/fetchmailrc --nodetach 
> --nosyslog

Do you have MacPorts installed on a partition different from your OS X startup 
partition? I have noticed this problem when using such a configuration.

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