Cmd-clicking worked for me before last 2 updates, the big one 2 days ago and the little fixup yesterday. I use that feature daily.

Cmd-clicking multiple links has often if not always been malfunctioning if one did not switch the context. I refer to cmd-clicking behaving as clicking without cmd on the second and further links. I have filed a ticket about that some time ago and Benny closed it saying that the issue is with MacOS. I have trained myself to click on white space in the window before cmd-clicking another link. This happens in the same msg as well when switching msgs with command keys (I use 2-pane mode).


On 28 May 2019, at 23:56, Scott wrote:


I just upgraded to MM version 1.12.5 (5635).
Since then the command-click on a link switches to the browser window right away, that is no longer opens the link in the background. In other words, there is no difference between click and command-click
Can anyone confirm that?

I can confirm that the behaviour has definitely changed...

On Mojave as well - but in my case, it works for a single message, but, if I have shift-selected two or three messages, and am trying to command click on links within those messages, it no longer works.

I actually sent Benny a note about this changed behaviour in the latest betas/release versions just a couple of days ago as well.

It's definitely changed in recent builds; but I was on holiday and can't pin down exactly which update caused the change of behaviour...

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